Wow. What a ride it's been.
I have never, ever, EVER!!!! been that sick before in my whole life. Or... at least since that time we won that liquor basket and took it to the lake on New Years....yeah, that was pretty bad. But this time, it wasn't self-induced.
And it was worse.
This time, it was a combination of the various virus's/flu's/infections that have been going around. It nailed me so hard that I've forgotten a couple of the days that I suffered through it my fever was so high. I do remember some of the delusional dreams I had though. They were pretty cool... like the one where the dogs had puppies hanging off their tails (yes, "tails"... they each had three) and they weren't German Shepherds... they were Dalmations.
And the right to the core of the bone aching that running a temperature that high will bring on. The kind where you ache so bad that the only solution (after maxing out on Tylenol) is to lay in a bathtub of water that is actually hotter than you, just so you can stop hurting. Oh, and I couldn't possibly forget deciding to shave my legs in said hot bath, because having your body hurt that bad isn't really fun unless you decide to remove the growth of hair off your legs because shaving them couldn't possibly feel any worse than having to feel the sheets on them.
The fever also brought on the dizzy-ness... and loss of appetite (which worked out pretty good) and weakness. I spent a fair bit of time holding up the walls as I worked my way from the bed to the bathroom. And then came a really weird craving for smoked oysters on those Cheese Nip crackers (blech...I dislike both!) and the wanting of nothing more than to drink fresh orange juice. Made from real oranges. Right here. Right now, dammit!!
I went to the Doc which is something I never do. I mean, I get sick for a few days, I'm still able to function and get through it with little sacrifice and then I'm better. But this time, I couldn't function, couldn't get through it. I couldn't even get my ass out of bed for longer than 20 minutes! Convinced that I may have the dreaded... well, you know, that "flu thingy" that's all about and everywhere, I went and waited 3 hours to have the MD inform me that yes, I am ill, probably have a cold/flu combo and more than likely am having symptoms of the "flu thingy" but he couldn't confirm it with a blood test because I wasn't sick enough to warrant a trip to the hospital.
I'm not going any further on that, because, well, I might say some stuff that I really shouldn't say so ....
But I do believe I'm on the mend.
I went to work today. Points for that! Managed to make it through 3/4's of the day when exhaustion began to set in and I knew I had to leave right then or I'd risk falling asleep driving home.
Oh, I yelled at SG, #1 and #2 today. So that's another good sign.
And I ate some food and actually kept it in my body long enough for it to be digested!!! I know, too much information, but you have to know that I'm getting better!!!
Lots went on while I was on "sick leave".... Two of the three females are now "in season" and the lone male is not going to be happy. The pool boy came by and set the thing up. Rigged up a nice heating system too!... #2 was in it tonight. The gardener guy was also here which has allowed for the planting of some stuff. And the hummingbirds are back at the feeder, which I'm thinking the gardener guy hung up, but maybe I did?....
It's good to feel good again!
Poor girl. No one should have to suffre through that. I'm told it comes back and bites you in the arse after a week or so and you do it all over again. The only solution is whiskey!! lololol