Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hello? High Speed Internet Provider?

As a lot of you faithful readers know, I'm on dial up out here in the country. Some of you know this more than others, having been on the receiving end of an email requesting that you please don't send 3.6 mb video clips of a dog sleeping next to a cat or of cake baking in the oven only to fall when the door gets slammed. And many of you have received the email asking you to please, please, PLEASE!!! compress your pictures from 1.6 mb to oh, let's say 53 kb. Particularly if your sending me 15 of them!

The other day, I was heading into our local town to do something, shopping for food I think, and as I headed toward the far end of my road I noticed that there were all these little pink flags stuck on sticks and the sticks were pounded into the ground. And on the little pink flags was the logo of our local telephone company. And then, right at the end of our road, there were 3 big coils of some kind of tubing.

So...my imagination being what it is, I began to conjur up dreams of maybe, just maybe, we were finally going to get into the 2000's and have us some high speed internet! And then it progressed to thinking about a bigger and better computer (and getting the lead out where it comes to building the custom designed thing!) and then the most incredible visions of watching every You Tube video that I've heard about, but not had the pleasure of seeing, began to dance in my head.

It was kind of pathetic actually. The thought of high speed internet and how excited I was about the possibilty of such luxury.

To add fuel to the fire, later that day my good friend down the road calls and said she saw the same thing and had the same sort of visions. Hers were a little bit different than mine, but I'm not getting what she was excited about! So I told her that I would make the call and see what I could find out.

I knew the minute I heard the voice on the other end answer that this had the potential to be a fairly fun conversation. (The phone person "Phone Dude" has been shortened to PD).

Me: Yes, could you please tell me if there is high speed internet being installed on "name of my road"?

PD: Where's that?

Me: It's near "name of small town", right by Highways "this one" and "that one".

PD: I'll check

PD: Nope, don't see it scheduled

Me: Well, is it happening? I see all the flags marking certain spots and there's tubing there and I know many of us have requested it be installed. It tends to look like it might be happening. I hope so...

PD: Well, I might be wrong. If there's stuff there, they might be

Me: Is there any way I can find out for sure?

PD: Sure there is

Me: And how would I find out?

PD: Call us back when they're finished and we can tell you what they've done

Me: Really?

PD: Yep. 'Cause it'll be finished and they'll tell us what they did.

Me: Oh...okay then. Thanks very much

PD: Is there anything else I can help you with today?

Me: No, I'm fairly certain there isn't. Thank you.

At this point, I don't know if I'm getting high speed internet on my road. But I now know when I can find out!

1 comment:

  1. that's almost not funny - because I know every word of how you described the conversation is true.

    Same thing we got when we lived in the south east end of the province.

    Your Brother.
