Sunday, April 20, 2008

Serious Traffic Jams

Last night we had a wee bit of excitement out here in the boonies. And the traffic was horrible. We must've had 30 some odd cars up and down the road in front of our place. You have to understand, we're lucky if we see 10 cars in front of our place. In one day. I mean, other than Saturday when people are going to the dump to drop off the trash and recycling. Then we see about 20. And the trash they drop along the way.

It was a busy place last night. The air was filled with the sounds of sirens, which was really upsetting because hearing sirens is never a good thing. But more importantly, they were drowning out the sounds of the frogs. Yes, the frogs are back!!

It would appear that there was some kind of explosion at the dump. And the black smoke and flames were unbelievable. #2Son came running into the house to yell "grab the keys, we gotta go!".

This is well in progress because me, who never leaves home without her camera, left home without her camera and had to go back to get it.

The fire is where they let people to put their wood and rubber products. And among the rubber products are tires. The tires were on fire causing the horrible black smoke that you see there. Don't we pay a fee for tire recycling every time we buy tires? Why are people putting them into the dump then? Why aren't people recycling them? Or using them for flower planters in their yard? Oh yeah, most people aren't redneck enough to know about the joys of having your petunias grow out of tires that are strategically placed along the driveway.

This fire burnt well into the evening and is still smoldering this morning.

I was really glad the wind was blowing the way it was. But I'm also sad for those in the direct line of the smoke. On such a beautiful evening, the first one we've really had, it must've been horrible to be in it.

I'm sure they were outside listening to the frogs too. Because we all know that's what you do on an April evening, after a long, cold winter.


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