But if I was able to tell you everything that has been happening in the last month or so, (which I'm not going to by the way, I'll just drop subtle little hints here and there to make you wonder, keep you curious and coming back for more thinking that there might be something here), you'd probably fall off your chair. Well, maybe not really, but you'd be surprised. And impressed. Well, maybe not that either.
But I am. And really, that's all that matters.
On to what I can talk about.
#1 turned 17 a couple of days ago. But you knew that already. It's kind of weird for me. I mean, I knew when I had the child that he'd grow up. At least that's what I prayed for. And he has. And is. Growing up. He's turning into quite the man too. It seems that sometime in the last 6 months or so, a switch has been turned over. Not a light switch type of switch. That would be instantaneous. and God knows this hasn't been quick by any stretch of the imagination. But one of those big 'it takes two or three people to push the heavy metal bar over so the lights go on' kind of switch. And then it takes a little time for the light to get brighter and brighter. And I'm seeing the light! By the way, he has an awards night coming up where he shall be noted as an outstanding student for last year's school year. Which had me shaking my head somewhat going "huh?" I then puffed up and strutted about like a proud peacock!
I was handed a promotion a couple of weeks back. I am now what they have determined to be a 'customer service/quality manager'. Came with a raise. And a laptop. And an expense account (of sorts). Remote access to the office network and a staff of four reporting to me. Big responsibility I know. But not as big as its gonna get. One of the other perks, and probably the bestest perk of all, was the high speed internet installation that took place here. Yes, I now have a thing on the roof of my house, not very pretty either, that brings in the internet at speeds that have never been seen here. SG, who absolutely had no use whatsoever for the internet, has found that it really isn't all that bad after all. At least that's what I'm assuming as he's turned his attention from the hunting and fishing channels on the TV to the hunting and fishing stuff on the internet. Think kid in a candy store... yeah, good thing I have the laptop! I just need to figure out how to get the wireless router working and we're golden! #2 is particularly thrilled as now he can play his Halo ODST live, with other players who aren't in my house, on the big screen... I tell you, there is no end to the joy in this place...
And it snowed last night. And snowed. And snowed. A little too early and I know it'll melt (it better friggin' melt!!) but really? October 10th I wake up to white? Considering a mere three weeks or so ago it was 32C out. This is just whacked.
I'll leave it here. A little short I know, but I've got me some internet surfing to do. There's a whole world out there that needs me to take a look at it. Finally a true appreciation for the blogs that I regularly read. The waiting for the photos or videos to load, well, there really isn't one anymore. And the downloading. There is a plenty of downloading to be done!! oh, and by the way... family members ~ go ahead and send the pictures and those big ass video clips that used to piss me right off as I waited, sometimes hours, for them to come in... I won't get mad!
And give me a call. The phone will ring.
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