Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Seriously....are you okay?
I know we're all given moments when we're in a non imaginative state or are experiencing a complete and total lack of motivation to use our imagination, or maybe we're just plain bored and don't want to bother.
I can understand. Believe me! I CAN UNDERSTAND!! I've been there!!
It takes a lot of effort and creativity to come up with some sort of awesome idea to head out on, what I consider, one of the biggest and bestest nights of a kids life.
Trick or Treat!! Halloween Apples! Getting dressed all up in some sort of costume and heading out to holler at houses in an attmept to fill your pillow case with candy? What more could a kid want?
When #1 was 14, he was a big kid. A bigger than your average sized kind of kid. As Halloween approached, we were tossing around ideas for his costume. He didn't really have a clue what he wanted to go as. Then, about three days before the big night, he came home and said he was going to go trick or treating dressed as a girl.
It frightened me how beautiful a "girl" he was. He was gorgeous. Blue eyes. Long blond hair. Makeup by Mom.... he was absolutely stunning. The hair was long enough that I could curl it and make it all Farrah Fawcett like... he was gorgeous! Or maybe I should say "she"? He looked that good! The small amount of effort required was soooo worth it!
Fast forward three years!
#2 is now 14. Well, almost.... he will be in 6 weeks or so... and is heading out tomorrow night to holler at some doors and try and grab some free grub. Then he's off to a party. And once again, the discussions were endless, what to dressup as? How about this? How about that? Nothing seemed quite right. And then, a couple of days ago, the decision was made.
He decided that he really wanted to dress up as...
You got it....
A girl!!!!
Oh my...
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Isn't it Ironic
I know a lot of software! But its not the kind of software that I can use in my world outside of the thing that pays the bills. However, it sure makes the thing that pays the bills easier to do now that I have all this knowledge about the software!
And when I go to Cleveland, its always very intense, with lots of learning crammed into a short space of time. This time, well, it was really intense. They crammed into two days what easily could've been put into four, and then still be very intense!
They always treat people very well when we're down there. They wine you, they dine you. I've been to some pretty fine dining establishments down there. And some not so fine! You know, mix it up a bit.
This trip however, brought an opportunity to do a couple of things that I've not done while down in Cleveland. One of them being something that has been on the "to-do" list for a long time.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. Yes!
From the minute I stepped off the corporate bus and on to the steps that would lead me into this absolute cornucopia of history I had shivers. I really didn't know what to expect when I walked into the building, but I did know that it was going to be an experience I would probably never forget.
I wasn't wrong.
As we made our way into the building, I was tuning out our host and what he was saying. This was an easy task by the way. This guy could go on and on and on for hours (I know, I've been subjected to his ramblings before!!) and if I was to fully appreciate what I was about to see, I didn't need to be listening to him!
They don't allow cameras in the main exhibition halls was about the only thing I heard that could be considered useful. When I entered the main hall, I wasn't really prepared for what I was about to see. There is so much history there of the artists and the music and the technology. It was overwhelming. And somewhat emotional. I continually experienced shivers every time I turned a corner and came across something else that made me go "wow".
Oh, and I'll bring some tissues!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Would you like a "takeaway" box??
It felt good. The brain cell thing. I haven't had to think like that in a very, very long time. That's the thing about having a job that you could basically do in your sleep. Your brain gets lazy. It forgets how to string together the stuff that makes other stuff make sense. So yeah, it was good practice... I needed it.
But, just because I was busy during the day utilizing my brain until the point where it hurt and was threatening to shut right down and not do anything more thinking (it came close I tell ya and thank goodness it didn't because who knows what might have happened then!!) doesn't mean I didn't get to enjoy the evenings. Which I did. Along with 14 other people.
Shopping not being a huge attraction for me, I almost opted out of the planned event. We were going to an outlet mall and a quick search on the web indicated that, well, no, not so much. For me, visiting the stores that were being offered wasn't really something I wanted to do. And then, someone else said they were going to a different mall and asked if I wanted to join them. Another web search and it was a definate maybe...
And, being the touristy kind of girl I am, and one who isn't afraid to do what she wants, when she wants, no matter how good or bad it is, I took my camera. Not really, we all know I take my camera everywhere!
Who knew when I'd ever get to go to this store again. And judging from what's inside of it, uhm, yeah, it won't be too soon! Talk about out of my league! But, my fellow Canadian friend and I, we entered. We were slightly intimidated, but that only lasted for about thirty seconds. I mean really! its not like they were going to try anything on! They probably wouldn't let us! But we might touch something....
Like this.
I really liked the green one, but the shade was just a little off to properly blend with my skin tones.... Not to mention that I could buy a really good used car for what the price tag had on it. I was kind of surprised that these weren't behind glass. Locked glass. With sensors that would sound an alarm if touched.
Now these were a little more in line with what I like. Tasteful. Classy. I'm assuming the desk is where you sit down to negotiate just what kind of interest rate you'll have to pay in order to get the money to buy the trousers! Or sign the documents handing over your first born!
After spending time in fantasyland, we headed out for dinner. And that's one of the things that, when travelling for business and trying to toss in a little bit of pleasure, really wreaks havoc with, well, life and its digestive system. Late dinners, food that you wouldn't normally eat, drinking that you wouldn't normally do... well, okay, maybe not the drinking part, but you get what I mean. Having dinner at 8 or 8:30 at night just doesn't sit well with this old body. So when we decided to have something to eat we thought, nice and light and maybe a glass of white grape rather than the red.
OH.MY.GOSH!!!!.... Not the place to go when you're looking for a small meal a little later in the evening!
This greeted us as we walked in the door. Now, I am not a huge dessert person. But I certainly wanted to be one after looking at this display of total decadence. As we were being led to our table, I took a look around to see what other people were eating. I was absolutely dumbfounded by what I was witnessing... Huge plates. Huge portions. So big were the portions, it was kind of sick actually.
Making the healthy and appropriate decision for the sake of my digestive system, I thought "salad it will be!"
Yeah, about that!
When it was all said and done, this was what was left. I tried. I really did. But there was no way that another morsel would make it into this body. One of our fellow diners had this:
She couldn't finish hers either. Such waste... Anyway, as we were where we were and with what we were greeted with when we first walked in the door, it was decided that one piece of cheesecake between the five of us would probably be the smart thing to do.
Up next: The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Red lights & crosswalks
He still hasn't got it. You know, the one where he doesn't need to be chauferred here, there and everywhere. Hasn't even made an attempt since the last time he made an attempt and well, didn't succeed.
And as such, every week I get to drive him into the city on the weekend (which, by the way, I'm not fond of. Who am I kidding, I don't like it...I'm in the city five days a week, why would I want to go to the city on the weekend?) so he can play water polo. Yes, he's on the water polo team at school. Which is a fabulous thing. But it means every Sunday in the city. At the pool.
Because he doesn't have his driver's license. I mean, I'd probably go anyway to watch, but that's not the point. The point is, I have no choice, I have to go!
So anyway, I let him drive the last time. Which for me, is a big thing. We're talking the highway here. At speeds of 100 km/hour. For a fairly long distance. And then, the city! I've never been in the car with him while he drove in the city. SG has... or so I thought.
The highway was fairly uneventful. He did good. I mean, he's been driving for well over a year and is a pretty good driver. And as we approached the city, I was calm. Relaxed. Hell, I was even texting while he navigated his way to the city centre. Not that there was much to navigate. Straight ahead, no turns, just drive.
Then we started getting into the thick of things. Traffic got a little heavier. There were more signal lights to take notice of. Not to mention the pedestrian crosswalks and red light cameras. And as we approached the famous intersection of Portage and Main, he was getting a little edgy.
"You're making me go through downtown? Do I have to take this way? Isn't there a side street or something I can go down instead?"
"No. This is the best way to go. Just be careful, pay attention, you'll do fine. It's not like it's your first time driving, you're doing good."
"Mom... it is my first time. I've never driven in the city before.... I can't believe you're making me drive downtown."
"What??? You've driven in the city before...with your dad...haven't you?"
"Nope. And here I am, right smack in the middle of it, with all this traffic and people and stuff."
Apparently I needed to put the text messaging on hold and pay a little more attention... my kid had never driven in the city before!!
"You're doing great." I said and really tried to mean it. I looked over at him and he had a little worry action going on in his face. "This really is nothing. This is just church traffic. Can you imagine driving through here in the thick of the morning rush? I do it everyday. You're doing great. Really, you are. You're just fine...whoops...that was a crosswalk, you need to watch for those so you can stop to let the people...hey, don't follow so close to that car, you need to leave stopping..."
"MOM! Can you quit talking? I'm trying to pay attention to the driving here...."
"Okay, I'll be quiet. But make sure you watch all around, just not straight ahead. There's lots going on with the side streets, and the crosswalks, and the traffic lights... not to mention the red light cameras that the city has..."
Okay, I get it. I shut up. And let him drive.
We made it to the pool in one piece, without any incidents. Well, other than my stress level having been raised up through the roof. And #1 was pleased. He was very proud with what he had just accomplished. And I was very proud with what I accomplished. I didn't freak out... well, at least he didn't see me having a small freakout in my head. Which is good. For him. Not me.
When the game was over, I asked him if he wanted to drive home. I mean, he'd just come through the city for the first time and I couldn't very well not let him drive through it again. This was going to happen every week and I best just be getting used to it I thought.
"No, you can. I'm heading for lunch with the rest of the team and I'll catch a ride home with Bill."
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Just messin' with ya!
I sooooo want to tell you what's rattling around in my head. I do.
I really, really DO!!!!
But I can't.
Not here.
Not in an email.
Not even on the phone....
Hell, I'm not even going to write you a letter! Nor talk about it over coffee. Or beers.
I may relent slightly if offered grape... wait! no, not even grape!!!
I will, however, say this....
I'm getting closer to tasting it!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Well, this is different
But if I was able to tell you everything that has been happening in the last month or so, (which I'm not going to by the way, I'll just drop subtle little hints here and there to make you wonder, keep you curious and coming back for more thinking that there might be something here), you'd probably fall off your chair. Well, maybe not really, but you'd be surprised. And impressed. Well, maybe not that either.
But I am. And really, that's all that matters.
On to what I can talk about.
#1 turned 17 a couple of days ago. But you knew that already. It's kind of weird for me. I mean, I knew when I had the child that he'd grow up. At least that's what I prayed for. And he has. And is. Growing up. He's turning into quite the man too. It seems that sometime in the last 6 months or so, a switch has been turned over. Not a light switch type of switch. That would be instantaneous. and God knows this hasn't been quick by any stretch of the imagination. But one of those big 'it takes two or three people to push the heavy metal bar over so the lights go on' kind of switch. And then it takes a little time for the light to get brighter and brighter. And I'm seeing the light! By the way, he has an awards night coming up where he shall be noted as an outstanding student for last year's school year. Which had me shaking my head somewhat going "huh?" I then puffed up and strutted about like a proud peacock!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Say what???
All 8 lbs, 11 ozs and 22 inches of him.
It was an adventurous labour to say the least. Not to mention a veeerry long one. I'll spare you all the gory details.... But one that I would never, ever, EVER!! trade or change for anything!
And to quote a friend in a recent email...
"F*#$in' hell, you have a kid who's graduating high school? How did that happen?"
I'm asking myself the same thing.
And now, my little baby is 6' 7" and topping the scales at, well, he's big. My personal bodyguard.
Happy Birthday to you my first born! May life give you all that is good. Great things await you and I hope you embrace them with everything you have! You are one of my reasons for being.
I Love You more than you could ever possibly know.
Love Mom xoxoxo
Okay, mushy I with it!