Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bathroom Etiquette

If there's one thing I've discovered with living in a house full of boys... all bets are off when it comes to the bathroom. Really. They are.

When SG and I designed the house, we drawed (drew? drawn?? penciled in???) an ensuite off the master bedroom. We thought that we would share it. I thought "how cool is that?" Right there, in the bedroom, our own private little three piece bath. It was an awesome idea! And that was the plan. We'd share the "can". Well, you'd really have to understand what we were coming from in order to understand how excited we were about what we were going to...

That was until the day he headed to jobsite where they were building the house. Without me.

And told the plumber to raise the shower head to seven feet.

Okay, okay, okay...he's 6'6" (actually, I think he's shrinking but is in denial) and why should he have to hunch over to have a shower? I get this. But we were supposed to share the bathroom. It was supposed to be for both of us. Do you have any idea how much the water cools when it has to drop eleven inches before it hits you? Significantly!!!.... particularly if you're a lover of hot showers.

So, left with no choice, I claimed the "big" bathroom. The one with the mirror that is so big you have no choice but to look at yourself as you open the shower curtain. The one that holds the washer and dryer and all that laundry that I continually bitch about not being in the hamper, that just lays there on the floor, right beside it. The one that has the toothpaste (or toothpastes), on the counter, with the lids off.

The one that I am continually paranoid about using in the middle of the night.... Seriously, I am. There's nothing quite like the feeling of cold porcelain on the back of your legs as you ... well, never mind... ladies, you know what I'm talking about! And, no matter how much you clean it, you never know what is on said porcelain.... just sayin'....

The same bathroom that I have to share with #1 and #2.

I've learned that locking the door is totally irrelevant. I have no idea who thought it would be smart to show the boys how to use various implements to violate a locked door.... A bank card, a knife, hell, if they're creative enough, they could even use a spoon to dislodge the lock and barge right in. It appears that it doesn't matter who's in there, if they want in, they're getting in.

But I've learned a few things myself in sharing a bathroom with a couple of teenage boys.

Yes, yes I have.

The things I've learned are all really quite, well.... I really shouldn't tell you about them. I should keep them to myself. Revenge is sweet. And I can tell you that some of it includes razors and shaving gel... but that's all I'm giving up here... lol

I've also learned that it's a smart thing to yell "Don't look!!!... I'm coming out of the shower now....." before you open the curtain.

Not as you open the shower curtain...

I hope they'll be okay....


Hope you giggled. I'm going away to do some vacationing type stuff... See you in a bit!

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