Sunday, March 1, 2009

Flowers, Chicken and I Love You's

We had a wedding yesterday. No, not our's. Which is good..the "not our's" part. And before you even ask...NO!!!, we are not getting married next!! End of story. Don't bring it up. It's not going to happen! My brother will be the next one getting married. Then my sister....maybe.

It's just not going to be us.

We will, however, have huge ass bbq's and pool party's this summer. If you want to think that it's a celebration worthy of wedding proportions, by all means, go ahead! And bring gifts. Money is preferred, but I could also use a new dryer. Or a fridge. Stainless steel is nice....

Okay, anyway. It was a lovely wedding. The bride was absolutely gorgeous, the groom very handsome. The food was awesome. And the drinks, well.... wine is always very good. We laughed, we cried (okay, I cried..something about hearing people talk about how much they love each other does that to me), we ate, we danced, we drank, we danced, we drank (some of us a wee bit too much according to #2...) but you get the point.

And we took pictures. Lots and lots and LOTS!!! of pictures.

Which, I'm praying to the powers that be, I'm hoping will never make it to the internet.


And as I've indicated on the phone today, answering the many calls that were inquiring "How you doing? Feeling okay?" or "Did you have fun or can't you remember?" or my favourite "How many pain relievers did you need to take in order to feel human?" that if any of them should happen to be published to oh, let's say someone's Facebook account, there will be repercussions.

Repercussions that could include ** edit ** apparently one should not threaten any type of violence to another human being.... sheesh!!!

That's all I'm saying.

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