So, here I sit, on the eve of what could possibly be Puppy Delivery Day. Usual gestation is 63 days, but if I recall correctly, and keep in mind I may not be, our little girl went 65 days last time. But my memory isn’t what it used to be. Lord knows I’ve had a thing or two pointed out to me from my younger days that I don’t remember, but then again, those younger days were many, many, MANY years ago.
So the girl, as she sits here, in my office, in her nesting box, panting and panting and panting, may just go into labour tonight.
And I hope not. I have had an incredibly busy week and its only Wednesday for crying out loud. My paying job is still intense, but more on a brain level than a 10 hour day level. It’s the school stuff that might kill me this time.
Being Chair of the parent advisory council of #2Son’s school, while for the most part is simply a once a month thing, the odd phone call from concerned parents about something or another, you know, an easy gig. No pay, no recognition, just the satisfaction in knowing that you are helping mould a school into what you, as parents, want it to be, this month is a wee bit more intense. We need to re-write the by-laws as we are a new school and were operating under the by-laws from the old school. And well, those by-laws were written sometime in what sounds like the 70’s and we just need to revamp them. Which means intense scrutiny and re-writing. Which isn’t being done by me. What do I know about by-laws? I know I can’t throw my trash out on the road, there’s a by-law that will fine me fifty bucks. I know I can’t drain my septic tank into the ditch, there’s a by-law that will punish me. How it will punish, I’m not sure. Probably take my house That’s what I know about by-laws.
But it means that I have to review them. Which I’m in the process of doing. Which isn’t very entertaining reading. It’s so boring that I’m not even using my reading glasses. Just skimming it. I know, I know, not responsible at all. I’ll bring out the glasses this weekend and that, coupled with a glass or two of grape, I’ll get those by-laws reading just the way they should be!
And then last night’s PAC meeting went for 2 hours. TWO HOURS!!!!! I’ve never had a meeting go that long before. I tend to try and move things along, no pitter patter, we just get at ‘er! But in those two hours we had some really good discussions, came to some outstanding decisions, and to be quite honest, those two hours flew by. It was a smaller meeting, as it's soccer season and many of the parents were outside on the field watching their kids. I miss those days if I do say so. While last night was exceptional for soccer parents (it was warm), the majority of nights those cold prairie winds that blow and make your lips so cold that you can’t speak an audible sentence and your hands are stuffed so deep into your pockets that your shoulders cramp and your butt goes numb from, well being too fat for one thing, but also it’s turned into the wind to keep your lips from freezing right off.… yeah, those were the good old days. Whoops, off track…It just amazes me how much you can get accomplished with smart, intelligent people who want to bring stuff to the table and make things happen. No one stalling things by contributing what doesn’t need to be contributed. No one interrupting to take you off topic. It was a very good meeting.
And tonight I had a wine and cheese to attend. As PAC Chair, apparently I signed some document begging some foundation for some money for something. And they gave it to us! They must’ve liked the way my signature looked. Anywhooo…it was the presentation of the coin tonight and I attended with the Principal. Yes, same Principal I bumped into in the liquor store parking lot earlier this year. Now I was going to go drinking with him. My how times change when you grow up and become a parent eh? Just before they called out our school’s name, Mr. Principal said “Got your speech?” I must’ve sent him the death look because as he bounced back in his chair I said “Speech? NO….YOU’RE TALKING!!!” He laughed and said “OK, if you say so”. I did go up with him however to accept the envelope, I mean, after all, I put my signature on the paper to apply for the cash. I felt it was the right thing to do. There were photos taken and hopefully they don’t appear in our weekly paper. I am having a really bad hair day.
But where was I going with this…oh yeah puppies. I still say Saturday, but the signs are here that it may be sooner. Which would not be good. I’m tired. Oh, but wait….last time SG stayed up with her. I remember going to bed and there were five. When I got up in the morning I went and checked on her and went back into the bedroom and woke him up to find out how many she had when he came to bed. The answer was “At 2 a.m. there were seven.” To which I said, “Well, now at five a.m. there are nine.”
Ah yes, it could be a late night for SG. But then again, he got to take a nap after work. I didn’t. I had to go drinking with the school Principal.
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