Friday, February 29, 2008
Just go already
I can honestly say that I am really glad to see this month head out the back door.
It was brutally cold for 22 of the 29 days.
It was a roller coaster ride at my place of employment. Too much stuff going on and too much stuff to deal with.
It was a hard month with both the boys and both the dogs.
It was hard on the hydro bill….cripes! Hello…Hydro People? Yes, we have geo-thermal heating. Yes, not only in accordance with Kyoto and the whole global warming thing (no emissions here!!) but energy efficient as well. Yes, it shouldn’t really be costing us $190….for one month….man oh man!
It was hard on the Cav. There were more days than not where she was heading down the highway at 107 kms and would bog out…just too friggin cold.
It was hard on the computer. Not only did it get re-formatted, it’s gonna get re-formatted again. Something is wacky and I can’t take it anymore. So’s, I’m gonna fix ‘er! Fix ‘er good!!!
One highlight of the month has been the start of our Communicating and Coping With Your Teen workshop. Oh yeah, baby, oh yeah. We gots a whole bunch of new tricks ups our sleeve! And the best part about it, once you start to use these tricks, they actually work! Go figure. Those two boys of ours don’t know quite what’s hit them, or what we’re up to, but they are responding!
And, to end it all, SG decided quality over quantity was the way to go with the red grape. And he’s ticked right off that the “quality” (you can read dollars here – twenty two of them) doesn’t really justify the cash output. I mean, it’s okay. It starts out nice and bold, the nose is awesome!, but unfortunately, finishes with a whimper. It’s really unfortunate. But, I’m racking the cab tomorrow and then putting up a white. I’ll probably bore you with pictures once again. I mean, after all, it is a different colour.
Oh, and I was able to take advantage of the $30 buck coupon for Superstore. Which means the wine kit only cost me $14.
We’re starting March with a Reiki session and a visit to the Crystal Store. I’m very excited.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Thank You Mother Nature!!
And we needed it I must say. We've been putting up with the crappiest of weather since just after Christmas. Even the Cav wasn't appreciating the cold temps. There was a couple of mornings driving down the highway where I thought for sure she was just gonna say "screw it, I ain't going no where!"
We headed out to the back yesterday, all four of us (go figure, family time??? really???) and the two dogs. It was glorious to be outside and walking and laughing and deciding that if the boys really wanted to kill each other, go ahead. They don't listen anyway.
Imagine being SG and having to look at your #1Son pretty near straight in the eye. The same little boy who you once had laying in your lap.
I can honestly say that I didn't think this was going to turn out okay.
But it did. He didn't squish #2Son too badly. In other words, it didn't warrant a trip to the hospital!
Footprints. And they aren't any of ours. Maybe a rabbit. A three legged rabbit?
These two were happy to get out and run and play. They'd been cooped up for far too long.
Tonight, it's the Academy Awards. Don't know why I watch, just an award show junkie I guess. I mean, I do believe the last movie I saw in a theatre was Dancing With Wolves. No wait....uhmmm I think it was Toy Story, the first one.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
It might be just a couple of rocks
For years and years I’ve been a believer in Meditation, Reiki, Chakras, Energy Healing, the power of
I believe it works.
And I’ve preached, I mean literally “preached!!!!!!!” this stuff to the males in the house. #2Son has sort of gotten it (I have hope). #1Son….he just sort of says “yeah, whatever” (I have to believe that he WILL believe). SG, being the stubborn little (yeah, okay, he’s 6’6”) shit, never quite got into it.
All of a sudden, he’s there. All of a sudden, HE BELIEVES!! And he’s headed off, full steam ahead, to find what he needs. He’s at one of the places you can buy crystals, asking questions, looking at the selection, asking more questions, learning if you will. All of a sudden, he’s BUYING crystals. He’s “smudging” the house (don’t have the heart to tell him that smudging the “house” isn’t what he should be doing….just let him carry on his merry way, after all, smoking sage smells alright) he’s smudging himself and the boys. Hell, he’s even smudging me.
So, this morning, instead of reading my 27 blogs that I have bookmarked, I did research. Lots and lots of research. I mean, if it’s on the internet, it has to be true, right? I chose to put what I wanted to do (and what I soooo needed to do) on the back burner, to do what I thought I should do.
Get this guy some information on just what it was that he was doing.
Probably one hundred pages later, saved to a word document, only printing out what I thought was useful, I was done. And I delivered it to him with his morning cup of tea. Yes, I rock that way, I deliver tea to my life mate while he lies in bed either still sleeping (yes it gets cold) or watching TV. Oh, and we are NOT going there!
And, through the fear of life ending as he knew it, he read it as well. It was nice to see that all of my sacrifices and investigative abilities may have just paid off. I mean, if you’re going to get into this stuff, GET INTO THIS STUFF!!!! He received a shit load of information from me which will help him through this journey of discovery.
But only after he stepped outside into the morning light to retrieve his crystals. He had put them out there to regenerate their energy from the moon.
He doesn’t know that the crystals that he chose, while they are healing, do not need regeneration from the moon. They’re okay on their own.
Will I survive this? Probably.
Will I be sane when finished? Not so much.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Lunar Eclipse

Not bad for a couple of point and shoot digital cameras eh? We have tons of pictures, and it was late and I haven't done a complete analysis, but I'm sure there's better ones that just haven't been discovered yet. So who knows, maybe I'll change it up a bit.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Let's toast - in 28 days
First, you have to get everything thing clean and sterilized.
Hot soapy water and a clean dishcloth gets this step taken care of. Remember to rinse well.
Sterilizing agent. Swoosh it around, both inside and out, and again, make sure you rinse well. Use this on everything that will be coming into contact with the juice.
Everything is there and accounted for, and sterilized, you can go ahead and do the next step.
I like to lay everything out to make I have it all. I've purchased a wine kit previously and the yeast was missing, so I like to double check.
This is package "A". Bentonite I think they call it. They say to stir the water constantly while adding it. They don't indicate for how long for however. I've come to the conclusion that you don't stir until its dissolved. There isn't enough hours in the day to get this stuff to dissolve. I'm pretty sure the yeast takes care of this stuff, but who am I kidding, I don't know.
This is the juice! The nectar of the gods if you will. We're making a Cabernet Sauvignon Levar, one of my faves. Next kit, we'll make a white, I promise. But only if you buy it. And then share. There is a cost for my knowledge you know!
With the nectar having been added to water that contains the undissolved package A, we're ready to top it up.
This sucker is really heavy. Be careful when lifting so you don't hurt your back. Remember, bend at the knees and lift with your legs! Funny I usually use my arms, but they say this is how your supposed to lift.
Now, you add the yeast. Oh yeah, make sure you get the yeast dissolving in water BEFORE you start making the wine. It needs to sit for about 15 minutes before you add it. Why they don't tell you at the beginning of the instructions is just plain dumb.
Seal it up and you're done. At least for the next 7 - 10 days. What you should see is that little plug on the top bubbling. This is a sign that the "must" is "musting". Actually the yeast is turning the sugar into alcohol and emitting gases while it does it. This is a good thing.
The primary (that's the thing that's holding the soon to be wine) should be kept in a warm, draft free place. Mine will be moving to the bedroom as the bathroom is not a good place to brew wine for starters, but its also very drafty. And cold. SG better get that dryer vent thingamabob fixed today!
Here puppy, puppy, puppy
And why did I wake wondering where the Boy Dog was? I remember having a dream that it was cold and he wouldn’t come in the house (two things that are actually happening – it’s freakin cold and he never wants to come when I call him) but why did I get a sense of panic when I opened the bedroom door and only heard the Girl Dog’s nails clicking their way down the hall to greet me with a tail that swings back and forth so hard it could put dents in the drywall. Was it that damn psychic thing I got going on again? Was he really outside? OMG!
A quick check of the house, including his “time out” kennel (no joke, when you say “time out” he goes into the kennel and lays down until he feels better) I tear downstairs. Nope, not sleeping on the couch or chair, where the hell is he? I didn’t lock him in the computer room last night, did I? Nope, but there’s the computer (I’ll be seeing you soon!). I opened #1Son’s door and out he comes. Tail just a waggin’, ears down, silly little smirk on his face that says “you do love me, you saved me, thank you thank you thank you”.
#1Son was the last one to bed last night. Man I hate that. The fact that your kids have enough energy to stay up later than you…it’s taking some getting used to. Mostly because I’m never sure what I’ll be waking up to in the morning. Food left in the fridge? Dishes in the living room? Oven on? The two of them seem to think that it’s a free for all when SG and I retire for the night. Oh, and the late night showers…excuse me? You’re going to bed and you’ll be showering in the morning…wtf???
Anyway, been on this thing since then. Drank a 1 litre jug of Orange Pineapple Juice instead of my usual two cups of tea. Did a little smoking. And once again couldn’t get the news and information radio station to stream…This seems to be an ongoing issue with this computer (or maybe it’s the dial up connection?). I did, however, manage to find several more blogs that are very entertaining and have expanded by bookmarks by too many. Given that my usual blog reading takes place on the weekends, I’ll probably just continue with the 5 am wake up seven days a week.
Enjoy Louis Riel Day everyone. It’s nice to get paid today, while not working!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Wouldn't want to be you...
Poor SG. We've had some issues with the septic tank and the immersion pump's ability to send it out to the field. Okay, okay, I jinxed it when I wrote about what you put into the septic tank versus the city sewer system, I know....
The poor guy, he had to get his face in there and check it out......On one of the coldest days of the year.
That's it...go deep!!
Eighty bucks later, we had it pumped out and really hope that the four foot length of 2 x 4 initially used to fix the problem doesn't cause further problems!
Come spring, we're gonna send #2Son down into the cavern to gather all that might hinder.
Yes, revenge is sweet. Wouldn't want to be you....
Vanity Be Thy Name??
Like dishes. Or laundry. Vacuuming. Internet surfing. Blogging. Watching TV. Sleeping. Keeping the males in the house from killing each other. Letting the dogs out to go do their business. You know, LIFE…
And, I like going to the library, and when I do, I check out an arm full of books, all the while saying “I’m really looking forward to reading these”. And I get them home and there they sit, on the counter, or table, taking up valuable space that could be used for the kids to stack their dirty dishes on or leave various articles of clothing.
A very good friend of mine gave me a book a couple of weeks back. And I really really wanted to read this book, but getting through the first few pages was horrible. I may as well have been lifting weights with all of the arm action I was getting trying to focus on the letters.
The truth be told, my arms just aren’t long enough to really enjoy reading anymore.
There, I admitted it. I’m getting old. And reading isn’t as pleasurable as it once was when you have to hold your arms out as far as they can reach in order for the letters on the page to be somewhat clear.
So, I broke down and got myself a pair of reading glasses. You know, the ones you perch on the end of your nose to look through while you’re reading and peer over the top of to see everything else that is going on.
And this weekend, I’m gonna do myself some reading!!
I wanted the pair with the hot pink frames, but the lens was scratched. So I got the blue pair. Kinda baby blue-ish. I’m hoping the kids will keep their hands off of them.
I think I’ll go out today and get me a pretty little string for them. Why not? I’ve admitted it, I’m old. And with my luck, I’ll forget where I put the damn things.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
My Dad, My Hero!!
The spam was unbelievable.
Then I talked to my Dad.
He gave me a link that I have since downloaded. This thing is amazing!
It's called "spamfighter". It has blacklisted all those nasty emails that I know have come through face book, (sorry, I am convinced this is the root of all evil...but so much fun) but it also read my address book and allows all the good stuff to come through.
So Dad, thank you. I Love You! You save me from spam email hell!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The After School Phone Call
"Hi Mom, how's your day?"
"Fine, how is yours?"
"Okay, but we have a problem"
"What's that?"
"Well, you see, Dad's not home and we're locked out"
"Well, get the key from the hiding spot."
"We would, but THAT'S the problem"
"Well, there's a rat's nest in there, with rats in it."
"Seriously Mom, there's a rat's nest in the barbeque. I can see the key but I'm not going in to get it."
"Seriously, there is."
"Take a picture, I need proof if I'm ever to going to use that thing again."
"We'll see....maybe I'll take a picture. But what do we do until Dad gets home?"
"Go to the neighbours, I'm sure they'll let you rotten little shits in. They don't know you all that well."
Please, rest assured, any burgers you have at my house will not be grilled in a barbeque that once housed a rat's nest.
We'll buy a new one. Just kidding. There wasn't any rat's nest.
However, we've found a new hiding spot for the key. It's around their necks. It'll make it easier to strangle them later.
What I learned today...
And your pants, they have to be pulled up everytime you stand up.
Oh, and your boobs shrink too.
Monday, February 11, 2008
I don't want to kill them
We've had these things for 2 1/2 months.
They usually don't make it this far, they're barely hanging on by the end of December.
They're doing quite well right now in February.
But its almost time for them to be replaced with springtime Tulips (despite the -34C my thermometer is showing).
Oh what to do, what to do....
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Consequences (aka You're In Deep Doo-Doo)
You see, #1Son thinks he’s somewhat invincible in everything that he does, and this includes riding this sled. While we try to keep a pretty tight reign on him, we do have to let him have some freedom.
The sled and #1Son are currently grounded. Have been since last Sunday. He went out with a buddy to the river. We told him how far he could go and that if he didn’t respect the boundaries that were set, there would be serious consequences. (Yeah yeah, I know, fancy words but apparently it’s not okay to say “you don’t do as your told, you’re gonna be in deep shit.” to your kids anymore) And he respected the boundary, however, neglected to take his faithful companion (read cell phone) with him....and then was gone for 2 hours. I was getting kinda panicky when SG headed out to find him and his buddy. You see, his buddy had HIS cell, but it was turned off. How nice is that? SG found them, safe and sound, and told #1Son to get home NOW!!!. Then #1Son proceeded to drive over a metal pole, and then land himself and the sled into some trees. And as such, consequences were levied.
#2Son is learning to drive the snowmobile. He is very careful and cautious. He doesn’t go too fast and he just tools around in the back yard site. One Saturday (prior to the grounding) #1Son was at work and #2Son wanted to take me for a ride. So, I bundled up and headed to the back bush with my baby. I had to request he go a little faster due to the fact that we were barely moving. This was difficult for me, riding behind my youngest son.
Anyway, we were in the bush. We missed the turn.
We got stuck.
Then we got un-stuck.
It was fun, despite the fact that I had to use muscles I never knew I had to get this thing unstuck and moving again.
I'm not sure how I feel about this snowmobile thing...
You've Got Spam!!
There were a couple of's a good thing I know how to sort alphabetically (it's the easiest way to recognize a name). So, yeah, let's get that address book changed.
And.... I say face book because none of this happened BEFORE I signed up. I'd be interested to hear from other people on face book to see if they have found a huge influx of garbage mail since joining.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Thawed out once again
As well, were almost back to normal here as far as computers are concerned. We did some reformatting over the weekend and have been trying to get them back to a state where you can actually use them. I think we’re getting close. I’ve been having a heck of a time reloading the programs that I had burnt to disc, so I need to spend some time on the www to download them again. And…well, who has time to do that! For example, I need to download service pack 2 for XP in order to install iTunes. And I need to get Firefox again. And both of these are kinda big in size and well, tying up the phone line for that amount of time…talk to you in a week!
One of my friends has discovered facebook as well. That's gonna keep me busy once things are back up and running around here. I usually take a peek at lunch and well, lunch is only an hour and she's got about 6 hours worth of stuff for me to look at.
#1Son started his second semester yesterday. It’s gonna be a tough one, but we shall see how it turns out. I didn’t get a phone call (and many parents I know did) indicating that he failed anything, so this is good. This time around, I’m not so sure…heavy load he’s got and frankly, I’m very worried about the Math – Pre Calculus don’t you know. He hasn't had to do any math since last May! Yikes.
That’s it for now. We’ll return to regular posting once all the services are up and running!