There's a few things in this life of mine that really really bother me. Piss me right off if I'm going to be honest with you.
Not that my life isn't good. It is. I'm healthy. I'm happy. Well, happy unless you happen to be doing one of the few things that totally make me go to ten and want to flip out all over your head and face and stuff.
Take for example, sipping from my grape glass. I cannot stand it when someone does that. Or asks to do that... "Here, let me taste it. Just a sip"... Hello??? Get your own glass and sip from it!! This is my grape glass, not yours. I don't care who you are... I don't want you sipping from my grape glass. Oh, and the same can apply to my water, my milk, my beer... get your own!! I see no need in you having some of mine when there's plenty there, go get your own!! Selfish? Who cares, I can't stand this.
And doors. Whether they be the pantry, cupboards, closets, fridge or oven... close the frickin things! They don't need to be left open, they really don't. Especially part way... that drives me right bonkers. I can see if you have your hands full and can't quite maneuver yourself to close it at that precise moment in time. But go back and finish the job. Close the door!!! You opened it so you have the concept down. You understand how it works. It opens. It closes.
I've also had a long standing battle with the toilet seat. Living in a house with three males, I'm sure you can all appreciate and understand this. But really? Why is it so hard to put the damn thing back down when you're finished? You more than likely had to bend over to put it up. All you have to do now is lean forward to flip it to go back down. No bending. Not nearly as much effort as putting it up.... why can this not happen? And all my slamming, and I mean slamming!!! of the seat back to it's original position... yeah, its not working. I know that I should get over it, but why? I've gotten over a lot of things, I don't think I want to let this one slide.
And please, for your own safety, do not stir my pot! If I'm in the kitchen making food to keep you alive and give you energy, keep your hands off my pot!! There's nothing worse than having someone come in and lift the lid and decide the contents need to be stirred!! For the most part, I'm nice about it. "get the f*#k away from my pot!!" is usually what you'll hear. But if you don't listen the first time, I have been known to grab the big spatula and chase you out! There are no second chances! Leave my pots alone dammit!!
I have, however, managed to get over some stuff that use to really piss me off. It's not like I'm high maintenance and prone to temper tantrums if I don't get what I want. I am, after all, an adult and know that some battles are not worth fighting. For example, I no longer fret over the toilet paper roll not being put on the holder. That's what we have a counter for, right? And the lower part of the windows do not need to be clean all the time. I'm a taller kind of girl and never really use that part to look out of anyway. Besides, I'm not fond of cleaning up the dog smudges that are there. I call it smudges, but I'm fairly sure its dog snot. Gross I know. Try cleaning it everyday.. you'd get over it pretty quick too! Oh, and snow on the stairs? I'm past that too. I no longer feel the entrance to my home needs to be clean and clear of snow. As long as you can hold the handrail I see no need to fear that you'll slip. That's why SG put the handrail up. So we didn't need to clear off the snow.
I'm going to stop now. Only because I fear you'll think I'm somewhat neurotic. Or, more neurotic than you already think I am.
Besides, I'm beginning to feel somewhat anxious about the state of the lower portion of my windows. Best to not talk about it.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Did you see this?
A photo-chroncile of this morning's sunrise...

If you didn't see it, well now you have!
It was spectacular. And a certain sign that spring is imminent as it was more to the left than to the right!! It also means that I don't have to worry so much about the footprints discovered on the side of the road that, for some reason, stop right in front of the house.
SG thinks I have me a peeper who likes to look into the bathroom window whilst I enter the shower. But not to worry.... there will be some sort of blind installed prior to the change of season in the fall. I mean, really, we're at the point in time that you can't see in now that it's light out... and guess what? It's light out when I'm entering the shower!!
And if that don't work, I've got me some friends that can take care of any peeper that may be out there!
If you didn't see it, well now you have!
It was spectacular. And a certain sign that spring is imminent as it was more to the left than to the right!! It also means that I don't have to worry so much about the footprints discovered on the side of the road that, for some reason, stop right in front of the house.
SG thinks I have me a peeper who likes to look into the bathroom window whilst I enter the shower. But not to worry.... there will be some sort of blind installed prior to the change of season in the fall. I mean, really, we're at the point in time that you can't see in now that it's light out... and guess what? It's light out when I'm entering the shower!!
And if that don't work, I've got me some friends that can take care of any peeper that may be out there!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Pardon the Delay
Due to technical difficulties beyond my control (read: real life has taken over every other aspect of my life, including my www life) the blogs have been delayed. I know, I know, you're getting used to my excuses, but hey, cut me some slack.... geez...
The new job is good. Very good. And y'all be pleased to know that, Yes, Virginia, you can teach an old dog new tricks!! I'm getting it. I'm learning it. It's going great.
Or so I think in my little world.
Big event this past weekend as the previous post alluded to. Damn Girl Dog had puppies. Nine of the little suckers. Well, actually, only eight were little suckers. One was still born. Which seems to be the norm for the Girl Dog. Don't know why. Don't want to know why.
Many requests want to see pictures... well, okay, only a couple, but that could be considered many... whatever... Frankly, there's not much to see right now. Squished noses, eyeballs still sealed shut and well, pretty feeble.
But, in order to please the masses, or well the few of you who want, here you go.
Don't worry, I'll start to share again soon.
Thanks for hanging around though, I do appreciate it!
The new job is good. Very good. And y'all be pleased to know that, Yes, Virginia, you can teach an old dog new tricks!! I'm getting it. I'm learning it. It's going great.
Or so I think in my little world.
Big event this past weekend as the previous post alluded to. Damn Girl Dog had puppies. Nine of the little suckers. Well, actually, only eight were little suckers. One was still born. Which seems to be the norm for the Girl Dog. Don't know why. Don't want to know why.
Many requests want to see pictures... well, okay, only a couple, but that could be considered many... whatever... Frankly, there's not much to see right now. Squished noses, eyeballs still sealed shut and well, pretty feeble.
But, in order to please the masses, or well the few of you who want, here you go.
With that, I'll leave it here.
I know, you want more. So does everyone.
But I'm still getting used to having my extra couple of hours a day all to myself.Don't worry, I'll start to share again soon.
Thanks for hanging around though, I do appreciate it!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
That's the sounds we're hearing around here right about now.
Damn girl dog... just couldn't keep her legs closed!!
There's three so far, all girls. SG's been doing mid wife duty and I'm just wandering around in a sleep deprived, brain exhausted, half a sleep haze...
Damn girl dog... just couldn't keep her legs closed!!
There's three so far, all girls. SG's been doing mid wife duty and I'm just wandering around in a sleep deprived, brain exhausted, half a sleep haze...
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Oh yeah, it's true love
It's been rather interesting around here this past week.... You know, with what today was...
The 14th of February.
I have this huuuuuge!! issue with Valentine's Day.
I never used to.
Back in my younger days it was always something to look forward to. A special day to spend with the one you love. Maybe have a nice dinner, either out at some fine diner or at home, made together, side by side. The enjoyment of the perfect bottle of grape. It didn't matter that is was fifteen bucks more than you'd usually spend, you knew the night was full of promise and would be nothing short of fabulous.
And then you hit, oh, let's see.... older. And I'm not saying that older isn't better... it's just that older is different. More work. More expensive.
It was Thursday when #1 met me outside as I was getting home from work.. (14 minutes after I was finished by the way.... sorry, I'm still getting a kick outta my new travel time) and asked if he could borrow some money. Now, I really wanted to ask why... or what for. But I found out a while ago that if there's something you don't want to ask either of my offspring is 'why' and 'what for'. Because you never know just what they'll say. And believe me, there is no way you could ever prepare yourself for it either!!
I asked him "How much?" He said "Forty bucks".
I couldn't resist. I mean I tried. But I couldn't. "Why?"
"Sunday if Valentine's Day and I want to take 'insert name of female friend here' out for supper. And I've only got $40."
"Wow. Where were you planning on taking her? I mean really, $80 is a lot of money and I highly doubt you'll be able to spend it on dinner where we live."
"Are you for serious?? I wasn't gonna spend it all on supper. Frick... I was gonna fill the sleds and see if she wanted to go sledding. If she did, great. We'll probably just pick up some munchies at the gas station.... you know, with the change."
Well then. I see. Well.... I think I nodded my head in an affirmative type fashion as I tried not to laugh out loud as I walked out of the room. Ahh son.... good luck there sweetie!
And then yesterday came "Mom? Are you going to the city today?".
"Ha ha I am NOT going to the city today. I haven't gone to the city in over 2 weeks... ha ha ha"
"Nooooo.... I mean town? Don't you need to get groceries or something? Are you going shopping anywhere?"
"Oh...okay... yes, I'll be going to get groceries."
"Can you pick me up some chocolates for 'insert name of female friend here'? (okay I think I have to abbreviate that, just not sure to what), and maybe one of them stuffed things? You know, not too big...just something small?"
See?.... More work! More expensive!
The 14th of February.
I have this huuuuuge!! issue with Valentine's Day.
I never used to.
Back in my younger days it was always something to look forward to. A special day to spend with the one you love. Maybe have a nice dinner, either out at some fine diner or at home, made together, side by side. The enjoyment of the perfect bottle of grape. It didn't matter that is was fifteen bucks more than you'd usually spend, you knew the night was full of promise and would be nothing short of fabulous.
And then you hit, oh, let's see.... older. And I'm not saying that older isn't better... it's just that older is different. More work. More expensive.
It was Thursday when #1 met me outside as I was getting home from work.. (14 minutes after I was finished by the way.... sorry, I'm still getting a kick outta my new travel time) and asked if he could borrow some money. Now, I really wanted to ask why... or what for. But I found out a while ago that if there's something you don't want to ask either of my offspring is 'why' and 'what for'. Because you never know just what they'll say. And believe me, there is no way you could ever prepare yourself for it either!!
I asked him "How much?" He said "Forty bucks".
I couldn't resist. I mean I tried. But I couldn't. "Why?"
"Sunday if Valentine's Day and I want to take 'insert name of female friend here' out for supper. And I've only got $40."
"Wow. Where were you planning on taking her? I mean really, $80 is a lot of money and I highly doubt you'll be able to spend it on dinner where we live."
"Are you for serious?? I wasn't gonna spend it all on supper. Frick... I was gonna fill the sleds and see if she wanted to go sledding. If she did, great. We'll probably just pick up some munchies at the gas station.... you know, with the change."
Well then. I see. Well.... I think I nodded my head in an affirmative type fashion as I tried not to laugh out loud as I walked out of the room. Ahh son.... good luck there sweetie!
And then yesterday came "Mom? Are you going to the city today?".
"Ha ha I am NOT going to the city today. I haven't gone to the city in over 2 weeks... ha ha ha"
"Nooooo.... I mean town? Don't you need to get groceries or something? Are you going shopping anywhere?"
"Oh...okay... yes, I'll be going to get groceries."
"Can you pick me up some chocolates for 'insert name of female friend here'? (okay I think I have to abbreviate that, just not sure to what), and maybe one of them stuffed things? You know, not too big...just something small?"
See?.... More work! More expensive!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Weekend Fun
We did a little snowmobiling this weekend.
Which, to be quite honest with you, was a well needed break after my week last week. The week was intense. It was in depth. It was a real awakening. It was hard. You know, this chick who thinks she knows it all, can do it all and is it all... Yeah, it made me think "What the hell are you doing? What the hell were you thinking??? What made you think that you could possibly take a one hundred and eighty degree turn and pick a whole new career? At your age????"
Questions to which I still haven't figured out the answers by the way... but hey, we're early into the game, I'm certain I'll figure it out...if not nail it!! snicker snicker...
So.... I decided the only solution I had was to escape.. Not that I could possibly escape it all... but I could manage to get away from it all.
At least for a bit.
Nothing like a good night sleep (really, what other choice did I have, being as mentally exhausted as I was, except to do just that...sleep), a picnic lunch, a bottle (maybe two... I'll never tell) of grape and a ride out to the bush to help rid the brain for all that weighed upon it.
On a snowmobile...yeah, I know...
It turned out that it was awesome. Just what the doctor ordered. Loud noise. Lousy smells. Muscle wrenching agony (okay, I'm getting old...whatever).
But covered with the smell of fresh air.
Which, to be quite honest with you, was a well needed break after my week last week. The week was intense. It was in depth. It was a real awakening. It was hard. You know, this chick who thinks she knows it all, can do it all and is it all... Yeah, it made me think "What the hell are you doing? What the hell were you thinking??? What made you think that you could possibly take a one hundred and eighty degree turn and pick a whole new career? At your age????"
Questions to which I still haven't figured out the answers by the way... but hey, we're early into the game, I'm certain I'll figure it out...if not nail it!! snicker snicker...
So.... I decided the only solution I had was to escape.. Not that I could possibly escape it all... but I could manage to get away from it all.
At least for a bit.
Nothing like a good night sleep (really, what other choice did I have, being as mentally exhausted as I was, except to do just that...sleep), a picnic lunch, a bottle (maybe two... I'll never tell) of grape and a ride out to the bush to help rid the brain for all that weighed upon it.
On a snowmobile...yeah, I know...
It turned out that it was awesome. Just what the doctor ordered. Loud noise. Lousy smells. Muscle wrenching agony (okay, I'm getting old...whatever).
But covered with the smell of fresh air.
It was fabulous.
Until.... Oh c'mon on now... you knew it was coming.
Yep. Stuck. On the side of the hill. Buried so deep that there was no way in hell that you could get un-stuck... by either SG or me.
So what do you?
You text your kid. You ask him to get in the car and come and get you. To come and get you un-stuck.
And you head off to meet the kid. And the car.
Just what I needed. And just what I wanted! It was awesome!!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Membership required?
I'm now a member of a union.
I've never been a member of a union before. And I'm not sure how I feel about this.
I'm fairly certain that being a member of a union might be a good thing. But I wouldn't know. Like I said, I've never been a member of a union before.
Anyway, I have a union meeting this month. Something about ratifying the contract? I know, I know. What the f.. does that mean?
Are you thinking that I better get up to speed on just what is going on?
Because I certainly am!
Anyway, here's some pictures from the morning walk. It's quite pretty out there as the sun rises.
I've never been a member of a union before. And I'm not sure how I feel about this.
I'm fairly certain that being a member of a union might be a good thing. But I wouldn't know. Like I said, I've never been a member of a union before.
Anyway, I have a union meeting this month. Something about ratifying the contract? I know, I know. What the f.. does that mean?
Are you thinking that I better get up to speed on just what is going on?
Because I certainly am!
Anyway, here's some pictures from the morning walk. It's quite pretty out there as the sun rises.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Wait, wait...what are you doing?
You're suppose to turn the other way to go work!!!
Oh yeah!! It's all left now....
So, four days in. I can't say much because for sure I'd get my ass turfed out the door... But I will give you a few of the highlights so far this week.
1. Longest drive: Twenty nine minutes. This was due to the fact that one of the boys sucked back 3 litres of milk while home alone and I needed to stop and get another jug. We all know it's not spring break yet but for some reason they give students time off to study for exams...and then a few more days to write them. And after that? Another couple called "semester break"...
2. Three stops signs. Yes, you read correctly. Three!!!
3. No red light cameras. Not a one!!!! That's pretty sweet. Not that it was ever an issue for me because I'm rather cognizant of the fact that there are lights to manage the intersections and that they are there to be obeyed. Unlike some people I know.
4. Speaking of red light cameras... I have to proceed, from my home to my office, through three light controlled intersections. Yes. That's correct. Three!!! I'm thinking that three should become my new favourite number!
5. Reduced car insurance. Yep.... I'm no longer considered a commuter, so the insurance goes down... You wanted to see what a goof I was when I walked into the insurance agency requesting they change it. Actually no. You wouldn't want to. I wouldn't want you to... I was quite silly but had the ladies in stitches as I bragged about after twenty years of commuting, well, I just wasn't any more
The only drawback I've seen in the last four days of working so close to home is that I can't seem to stay awake past nine... It's like the body clock hasn't adjusted itself yet and well, it's just time to go to bed. Despite the gaining of an extra hour in the evening.... I'm not able to enjoy it. I seriously hope that this really, really tiny issue gets itself resolved soon.
Particularly before the golf season starts.
I'm almost certian that I'll be able to get in 9 holes, have a couple of drinks, and still be home before the sun sets!
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