Sunday, September 27, 2009
A Conversation
#1: up
Me: Huh...what?
#1: We have to leave soon
Me: Oh
Fast forward 7 minutes.....
Me: Oh, and just so you know, the guys usually find their own way to the hunting spot. Mommy doesn't usually deliver. Just so you know.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Who Says
Anyway, he leaked what will be the first single on Thursday. On Twitter of all places!! That boy, he is indeed a marketing genius! With well over two million followers... yeah, he knows what he's doing.
And, as is his style, he's been playing secret shows at the Hotel Cafe down in LA. Sort of getting a feel for performing in front of people again. As well, he does like to play "raw" versions of what he's working on and has written. With his taping policy being very liberal, there has been plenty out there for the listening pleasure.
But I made a decision this time. I wasn't going to listen to any of it. I wasn't going to download anything. I would wait, like the all other non-obsessed fans, for the actual CD to come out, listen to it in the car (by the way.... Maggie likes John too), by myself and formulate my opinions. I was going to be surprised. Entertained. I was going to stand strong!!
I am soooo weak!!
First chance I got, away I went... "right click to save to your computer" was I. With everything. I even emailed a person who is a more dedicated fan than I. She actually does the majority of taping that is done in and around LA. She has a library of John stuff going back for what seems like forever. I thought that as long as I just "saved" them, I didn't have to listen. I had them. That was all that mattered. I could listen if I wanted to, but I'm wasn't going to this time.
Again.... I am soooo weak!!!
I have this rather verbose dialogue going on in my head that has all these opinions and thoughts. I won't share with you now, I'll wait until later. But it should be stated that if he was serious and wanted to shed his "Wonderland" reputation, I think he may just have accomplished it this time around. Those that want him to head back to his RFS roots, well, you best be moving along now. Battle Studies, from what I've heard raw, will be nothing like RFS.
The first single is called "Who Says". Here's the lyrics.
Who says I can't get stoned
Turn off the lights and the telephone
Me and my house alone
Who says I can't get stoned
Who says I can't be free
From all of the things that I used to be
Re-write my history
Who says I can't be free
Its been a long night in New York City
Its been a long night in Baton Rouge
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember you
Who says I can't get stoned
Call up the girl that I used to know
Fake love for an hour or so
Who says I can't get stoned
Who says I can't take time
Meet all the girls in the county line
Wait on fate to send a sign
Who says I can't take time
Its been a long night in New York City
Its been a long night in Austin too
I don't remember looking any better
But then again I don't remember you
Who says I can't get stoned
Plan a trip to Japan alone
Doesn't matter if I even go
Who says I can't get stoned
Its been a long night in New York City
Its been a long time since twenty-two
I don't remember you looking any better
But then again I don't remember, don't remember you
It's really quite a catchy little tune. Here's a link if you want to download it and listen to it for yourself.
As well, here's what the boy had to say about it.
Per Rolling Stone, John says,
"When I sing it, I do not think about marijuana - I think about walking around your house naked with a guitar," Mayer says. "It's about being in control of the pleasure in your life."
I concur.
I like it.
And, I am, apparently, really weak.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
If this is Tuesday???
Yeah, I've been doing that the last few days.
I'm not sure why, because to tell you the truth, I'm always cognizant of what day it is when I wake up. You know, the old "that was a lousy sleep... oh's Monday" or "Thursday, we are sooo on our way to the weekend!!". My fave is the "YESSS!! is indeed Saturday".
And after coming out of the twilight zone that you've just spent the last 6.5 hours (if you're lucky!) in, and you realize what day it actually is, you ask yourself "Is today the day?".
Will this be the day I've been waiting for? Is it decision time? Will it happen? Will I find out?
Man.... I am not liking this much at all.
I won't elaborate on my complete and total distaste with the state of my sleep this last little while. I will say that when I wake up tomorrow, I want to say to myself "Yes, it's Thursday, we are sooo on our way to the weekend!!".
Monday, September 21, 2009
Great. Just great. I mean, ugh.
And I'm feeling like a horrible mom as I didn't bake a damn thing this weekend. Which means, the kids have craptastic options for lunch! Maybe tonight I'll get something in the oven.
Who am I kidding? I'll crash by seven as I've been up since 2:42....
Wish me luck, I think I'm gonna need it to get through it!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Note To Self
The one who feels like they're going to internally combust if the freakin' "flash" you're currently managing to survive doesn't end, sooner rather than later, because, seriously...., you will blow right the hell up and set everything within a three mile radius on fire!!!!
Yes, you're the one...
Do not decide, while driving, down the highway at speeds of 118 km...I mean 102, with all four windows down and the moon roof open, because it really is cooling the inferno down, to reach over and close the moon roof....
Because it's very difficult to shoulder check when your head is being held hostage by your hair.
In the moon roof.
You just closed.
Signora Calda!!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Boy, those look good!!
But, what I do know is that, despite the appearance, the flavour flave was still there so I kept them. It's highly unlikely the boys will take them to school, dare someone comment and ask them "what the hell is that?"... so... it just means more for me!!
Needless to say, I was a tad shocked. So shocked that I had to take the shot at a different angle.
The frickin' things rose and then fell. I know this by the way they're sagging over the edge and splayed across the baking pan. And I'm blaming the dogs. Whilst these were in the oven, we had some company. They barked (the dogs, not the company!). And barked, and barked. And then, barked some more. It appears that four Shepherds barking have more of an impact than two teenage boys chasing each other around the house where the rise and fall of muffins is concerned.
But give me a quiet house with no such noise, it works! Which is good, because, well, the boys need muffins!
Oh, and because pictorial evidence would indicate such, and I know y'all were thinking that I'd been tipping the grape, I wasn't.
But I will say this. It's expensive, but worth every penny when you need to sit back, celebrate, sip and enjoy. A blend of three grapes, the melding of them all together works. And works well!
I'd be willing to part with the muffins recipes if you're so inclined. Just let me know! But I'm not springing for the grape!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Don't get me wrong, there is plenty going on that would be make for outstanding blog fodder. The lint house is a hoppin' place right now. The pockets are filling up and, well, I'm out of catchy little phrases to continue on describing life and how it is, based around the blog name, so I'll stop.. Or I'm just tired and can't think creatively right now.
I'd love to write about the feelings of glee and sadness I felt, both at the same time, when it was discovered that the full-time thing I do is changing. Or the extreme disappointment I have in myself for not setting a good example and having someone follow my lead down a path they should've never taken. Or about the irons in the fires I have going on and the frustration I'm feeling with the way the wheel turns so horribly slow and my wondering if I can put up with slow moving wheels should things go the way I'm wishing and hoping they will. Or how it seems that others are moving on and up and forward and I feel like I'm just standing in the same spot, not going anywhere. But I can't. Not yet.
And that is frustrating!
But what I can do is get back to the basics and the humour and the pictures and the conversations and the randomness that I am oh so very capable of. For example. Friday morning, text message comes in from SG and it went like this:
SG: You should get chicken
Me: I was going to
SG: what kind
Me: tits and legs
Me: and wings
Me: Survivor starts on Thursday
SG: ???
Kinda weird? In my head it wasn't. It was the next thought in the progression whereby wings are purchased and prepared for specific occasions. And we do this thing in our house where every Thursday we gather together and sit and watch Survivor. I know, need to get a life but we've been doing it ever since the stupid show started. It's kind of like a family game night, except without the game. We do survivor instead. And I usually make homemade pizza. But that got a little taxing, not only with the time (more times than not the show would be almost over and we'd be just settling in to eat) but homemade pizza gets a little expensive, what with the price of cheese these days.... So we changed it up and now we alternate between pizza and Wings and Salad. Caeser Salad. Probably THE. BEST. EVER Caesar Salad you could ever dream of eating.
Anyway, I suppose I should be less worried about what I shouldn't write about right now and concentrate on getting back to the basics. Regular postings, random items that make you shake your head, funny stuff that makes you laugh, and, when I'm thinking you're getting a little sick of reading about stuff, a little look at life in pictures.
This is what I'm thinking. I'm not promising, but I'm thinking. So I'll leave you with a pic or two right now to tide you over. And know that I'm planning on getting back to basics while the complicated shit continues to rent space in my head.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
You heard it here first....
THAT!!! my friends, is the name of the book.
I've changed my plan and have put the first book on hold. Because it looks likes I will have to continue to write this "how to get right into the inner core of your kids mind and totally blow him away because you actually do know it all (or at least more than he does) as you lived it yourself and he's just too naive to figure it all out and understand this" book.
Yeah, it's been a fun ride around here this past summer. they say, "that which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger".... Bring on the heavy weights!
I'm thinking a best seller here folks!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Can you say "fruity"?
The weather was absolutely gorgeous.
Which of course prompted me to grab the camera and take some pictures.
Cherries. I know, I know...I showed them before but I'm still amazed that they actually grew and tasted allright. Well, they tasted like sour, but not like crap, so essentially, they tasted okay. The last of the batch is coming off tomorrow...
My girlfriend and I were out taking a walk in the back bush...her's, not mine...and we stumbled across a hidden treasure. I noticed the red patch, she didn't know it was there and we picked every single one of them off, split them in half and made some lovely apple crumble!
Front yard apples are few and far between this year but what is there is very, very tasty! They're just coming ready now and I will say, there's nothing like a "new crop" of apples to regenerate your appreciation!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Gone Fishing????
But, I give you this.
- the new television season is starting and I'm 'anticipating' and thinking "we need a PVR..."
- my almost 17 year old is very different than when I was at 17.... yeah... not coping so well with that
- three times in the pool in this so called "summer season" does not cut it
- my sooner rather than later 14 year old is nothing like I've ever seen before... not coping so well with that either
- pins and cups are pretty cool ... more to come on my acupuncture and cupping (think Chinese medicine people, do not go where you were going!!)
- the TV needs to be bigger...
- the computer needs to be faster.... just saying...
- heading back to the gym after such a long time away (whoops...who knew you had to keep it up in order to keep it off?) is not quite as easy as one thinks it is
And there's more, but .... I'm going fishing .... Back soon, I promise.