A couple of weeks ago, there was a phone message that they needed an extra for the movie. And the extra was me. Not #2Son. So, as any good, loving, nurturing parent would do, I said I wouldn’t go if he didn’t want me to. And, as any young boy would do, he said, “Whatcha gonna do with the money you make….if I say its okay to go?”. To which I replied, “Save it for high speed internet.” “GO MOMMY, GO!!!!”.
And then I wrote a blog about it. And the blog disappeared. So, here’s a small recap of the tale of my day on a movie set.
So I went. I gave it a hundred million once overs I might add.. It was going to be cold. Veerrryyy COLD!. As a matter of fact, when I came home on Tuesday night, I was not going. Even though I had confirmed that I would be there…I WAS NOT GOING!!!
And then... I got the email. Giving time, location, duration of shoot, and who was going to be on the set while I was there. And…I changed my mind.
So, cut to Wednesday morning (pardon me, I was going to be on a movie set where the word “cut” comes up quite often – just getting into the spirit of things!). At 5:30 am I rose, nothing out of the ordinary, except I wasn’t making lunches nor getting all prettied up to go to the office. The lunch thing was because I was absolutely certain that there would be no school. The temperature, with the windchill, was -45C. The buses don’t run in that kind of weather. I was wrong, but #2Son stayed home anyway…it was cold!! And, with a quick shower and a cup of tea, I was off to my call to the set – 7:00 am.
And, to make a long story short, I spent 15 hours on the set of a movie. I got to say hi to Renee Zelleweger….made some googly eyes at Harry Connick Jr. (they weren’t reciprocated, but who cares!) and really think that I may have made it into a couple of scenes. If not me, The Cav did!! I’m so proud…
But MAN was it cold!!! Nothing like being at a “winter carnival” in -44C weather! AND making like you’re actually having a good time!!! Oh, and if that wasn’t enough…watch a hockey game as well! We weren’t 2 hours into the shoot when I thought…”my feet feel like blocks of ice”. A change into some dry wool socks, and with the gracious crew handing out “hot shots” to warm the hands and feet, I was good to go.
I’m sorry, I could go into a lot more detail, but, due to the confidentially agreement I signed, I’m limited as to what I can say.
But I will say this…, it was a trip! So cool!! It’s absolutely amazing to see the time and effort (not to mention the money) that goes into getting a 15 or 30 second shot in a movie. And, the crew was incredible! The were so caring and concerned and appreciative. The Director (or at least the guy who was giving us direction as what we should be doing and needed to be doing and how we should be “acting”) actually came out and thanked us for bearing the cold temps and doing such a great job. I mean, I’m sure that this happens on any winter shoot, but still…..we spent (and I mean all 250 of us) about 9 hours out in the cold.
All in all, it was really a fun day. Long, but a blast! And, Renee, such a tiny little thing and so very cute! #2Son is about the same size. She made a little conversation with us “background” folk. Harry….oh my! Harry!!! Such a….yeah, he is SOOOO nice!!!
So, when given the opportunity to retire, I’m going to be an extra in the movies. Why not! They feed you. Water you. Give you lip balm and hot shots for your cold fingers and feet! Every need is taken care of while you are on the set. Except for the toilet paper, but hey, put me in charge and I’ll get you 4 rolls!
It was an absolutely great day. And I’m exhausted.
Cue applause and much appreciation from the “BACKGROUND…..GO!!!!”